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I'm Still The Same Person Inside

    by Les Clarke


Comedic Drama Play: 'I'm Still The Same Person Inside' by Les Clarke

Jenny and Kay are best friends.  Jenny sadly has had an accident which has basically left her unable to walk and she is currently in a wheelchair, but she is having therapy and given time, there is a possibility that she may walk again, and Jenny is determined to enjoy life now she is out of hospital. 

So, she has joined an internet dating site much to Kay’s horror and Kay tries desperately to talk her out of it, mentioning all the pitfalls and what if’s etc.

But Jenny is determined to carry it through and arranges for Paul to come over to her flat. Kay is horrified and tries to insist that she should be there, ‘just in case’! Jenny won’t hear of it and she goes ahead and meets Paul by herself.  It starts off fairly well but then very quickly goes wrong.

He turns out to be a nasty piece of work and departs, leaving Jenny stranded on the sofa away from her wheelchair and her mobile.

Fortunately Kay turns up, comforts Jenny, and then leaves, after having ordered a pizza for her and making sure that she is OK. The pizza is delivered by a very nice young man who has to enter the flat to deliver it and get paid. There is an almost instant chemistry between them and he stays to share her pizza!


40-50 mins approx


(2m, 2f)

  • Jenny - 23-30ish, wheelchair-bound, tall, attractive, slim, confident, determined, has a cutting sense of self-deprecating humour
  • Kay - 23-28ish, Jenny’s best friend, caring
  • Paul - 24-30ish, tall, slim, reasonably handsome
  • Damien - 25-34ish, cheerful and caring
NB: The ages aren’t crucial and may be changed.

  • Perusal Script (I'm Still The Same Person Inside)
    £0.00 Perusal Script (I'm Still The Same Person Inside)
    In advance of the formal publication, we offer you an advance, pre-publication version, of the script. It is provided in full, as originally received from the playwright, but without having been proof read and with no...
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    Royalty Quotation Form (1A+)
    The rights to perform and record for all the titles in our catalogue are managed by Stagescripts Ltd. You should not assume that a licence to perform will always be granted. Please request a quotation at the earliest...