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               OUR APOLOGIES: Due to a continuing problem at our hosting service we are currently unable to issue or update
any quotations, nor any licences, whether for performances, copying, or recording,
although we have implented a workarund which may allow licensing under certain circumstance.

While this is being resolved you will be still be able to download free preview files and to purchase e-scripts and printed scripts from this website.



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Playwrights Submission Process

Submission And Review Arrangements :

We'll be pleased to consider the work of writers and composers under the following conditions:-

  • Your play, musical or pantomime must have had the benefit of a full stage productionOR
  • You are a professional writer, OR
  • The script you are submitting has previously been published (and is now contract free).

If we feel that your work has commercial possibilities, we will probably wish to start a discussion with you regarding publication and rights-management.

Please note that unlike some online providers of scripts who offer a vanity publishing service, whereby you pay a fee to see your work displayed on their website, we manage a curated catalogue for commercial sales and licensing purposes using a properly constituted limited company (Reg No. 06155216), with a published street address, and a contact phone number. Like those other online providers our scripts are sold as pdf downloads, but (perhaps unusually nowadays) we also provide them to customers in the traditional acting edition printed format for rehearsal use.

We do not make any charge to our client writers should we accept their work into our catalogue. We are not a vanity publisher, and entry to our catalogue cannot be gained by offering to pay us.

When open, the semi-automated submission system we use allows us to handle a stream of reviews and submissions in a robust way, and we have a number of reviewers who undertake the work in parallel, all being bound by our confidentiality policy.  

Our Current Submission Status

For all submissions we are currently


Unless you are a PROFESSIONALLY-PRODUCED PLAYWRIGHT or MUSICAL THEATRE COMPOSER please do not e-mail scripts,  scores, MP3 files, requests, treatments or synopses, or contact us by phone about them as we will not be able to assist you.


Stagescripts Ltd is an independent publisher and licensing agent. Our activities are entirely directed towards assisting authors and composers to achieve live theatrical productions.

We do not publish :-

  • screenplays for films/movies,
  • scripts for television or radio (unless it is a theatrical adaptation)
  • fiction or non-fiction books of any description

In keeping strictly to this policy, we do not dilute our strengths to the detriment of our contributing authors and our theatrical customers. Please do not send speculative e-mails, letters or manuscripts regarding any of the above material; we will not reply.

Review Turn-Round Times

We aim to read your material and respond within 2-3 months, although that is not always possible where our operational circumstances dictate otherwise.

Returns Policy (Printed Material)

Stagescripts Ltd is not able to return paper format scripts or CD's, so please do not send stamped addressed envelopes with any material submitted. Please also ensure that any material you send is a copy, and is not your master version, as unsuccessful submission material will be destroyed.