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Biographic Musicals

Andrew Carnegie

Musical Theatre Drama: 'Carnegie' by Ian Hammond Brown

Carnegie by Terry Wale

Principals 3m, 2f Support : 3m, 3f  plus an ensemble. (Min cast size 7m, 5f)
From being the son of a poor weaver in Dunfermline, Scotland, to being the richest man in the world living at one of the most exclusive addresses in New York City., this is the rags to riches story of Andrew Carnegie, steel magnate and the founding father of strategic philanthropy. But there’s a twist... you don’t get to be the richest man in the world without some controversy in your life. In his final two hours on earth, Andrew Carnegie must prove that his soul is worth redemption.

Gracie Fields

Musical Comedy Drama: 'Our Gracie' by Philip Goulding (Gracie Fields Musical)

Our Gracie by Philip Goulding

Cast : minimum 5m, 2f  with a maximum cast of 41
Filled with music and infectious, down-to-earth humour, this warm, funny and moving portrait tells the remarkable life of Gracie Fields, in her own words. Our Gracie’s vibrant personality took her from a room above a Rochdale chip shop to international fame and fortune. Her musical recordings sold in the millions and she became one of the highest paid female movie stars in the world. This is the real-life Cinderella story of a working-class lass who became Britain’s greatest female entertainer.

Judy Garland

Musical Theatre: 'Judy: the musical' by Terry Wale (Judy Garland musical)

Judy: the musical by Terry Wale

Principals 3f  Support : min of 7m, 2f  plus an ensemble.
'Judy' is a play with music (and a jukebox musical) which encompasses the life story of Judy Garland from early childhood to her untimely death at the age of forty-seven in 1969. The first act is devoted to her years as a young Hollywood film-star, and the second is largely given over to her latter-day on-stage life in concert. Her journey is punctuated with the songs that made her famous, and with the relationships that accompanied her throughout her life.

Glenn Miller

Bugle Boy: The Glenn Miller musical

Bugle Boy by Den Stevenson

Minimum Cast Size Principals 2m, 1f; Support 5m, 1f.
'Bugle Boy' charts the life story of Glenn Miller, and is the first Glenn Miller musical spanning his life from leaving college to his untimely and mysterious disappearance in 1944. Famous and instantly recognisable tunes weave together a love story and Glenn Miller’s blinkered determination to find a unique musical sound. With an on-stage big band, this fantastic new musical will once again put you and your audiences 'in the mood'!

Edith Piaf

Musical Theatre Drama: 'Edith & Simone' by Ronny Verheyen

Edith & Simone

Minimum Cast Size 5m, 6f, 1f-jnr
A life-telling story about the French singer Edith Piaf seen through the eyes of her little known about half-sister, Simone. What does it mean for Simone to live in the shadow of an icon, to endure her tempers, to depend on her, emotionally as well as financially? All this combined with the strong conviction, perhaps even envy, that with a little bit of luck she could have been in Edith’s place.

Sophie Scholl

Musical Theatre: 'The White Rose' the story of Sophie Scholl

The White Rose by Craig Christie and Andrew Paterson

Principals : 5m, 4f     Support : 6m, 5f, 3m/f (plus chorus)
'The White Rose' is based on the true story of a group of students at Munich University in 1942 who formed a resistance movement to Hitler's regime. It traces the story of Sophie Scholl, her brother Hans, and his friends as they despair of the increasingly totalitarian lives being forced onto the German nation. 'The White Rose' is a musical production both intimate and epic in its portrayal of the story and characters involved, and, though drawn from the pages of history, it is as relevant today as it was when it originally unfolded during the dark days of war. NOTE: a play version of this is also available.