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Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves

    by Colin Barrow


Pantomime: 'Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves' by Colin Barrow

The Sultan is expecting his treasury of fortune to arrive from the winter Palace to his residing current Palace., but it is robbed before it reaches the city by Coggia and the thieves, two of which are Ali Bend-Up and Ali Bend-Down two comedic robbers.

They stash the loot in their hideout cave in the mountains... a cave that Ali Baba stumbles across and, with the help of his brother, Rum Baba, they take the Sultan’s treasury and return it to him, but keep all the rest of the ill-gotten gains for themselves and become very rich.

Coggia is not happy that he has been the victim of a robbery and sends Ali Bend-Up and Ali Bend-Down to find out who took all his treasure. And, once the culprits were found, Coggia would plan his revenge.

In the meantime, Aunty Septic (oue Dame) is busy running a beauty shop and selling a love potion made from tap water and boiled cabbage juice. Demand becomes high because it turns out, ‘there must be something in the water!’

Rum Baba has a speaking camel friend, Hump One, who is the Princess Jehli, and has had a curse laid upon her head. To lift the curse of being a camel, she has to do a good deed, which, if she does, she'll return to being the pretty Princess she always was. Coggia finally becomes no more as do the thieves, and in doing so, Hump One has done her good deed and returns to being a Princess again.


4m, 4f, 5m/f   (plus Chorus & Dancers)

  • Sultan (m)
  • Sultana - the Sultans wife (f)
  • Princess Morgiana - principal girl (f)
  • Vizier (m)
  • Aunty Septic - dame (m/f)
  • Rum Baba - semi comic (m)
  • Ali Baba - principal boy (f)
  • Coggia - villain, robber chief (m)
  • Ali Bend-Up - one of a comedy robber duo (m/f)
  • Ali Bend-Down - one of a comedy robber duo (m/f)
  • Hump One - camel (can be a modified horse or donkey with a hump) (m/f)
  • Princess Jehli (f)
A chorus of townsfolk etc

  • Perusal Script ('Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves' by Colin Barrow)
    £0.00 Perusal Script ('Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves' by Colin Barrow)
    In advance of the formal publication, we offer you an advance, pre-publication version, of the script. It is provided in full, as originally received from the playwright, but without having been proof read and with no...
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    Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
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