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Puss In Boots

    by Colin Barrow


Panto Script: 'Puss In Boots' by Colin Barrow

The story revolves around Count Edam Gouda taking King Leerdammer’s money and Castle. The Count also wishes to have the Kings daughter, Princess Narcissa as a wife.

Fairy Tulip, who semi-narrates the pantomime and plays a comedy role, enrols the power of D’Arcy, Puss in Boots.

Dame Miller and her three sons provide some of the usual antics along with Van Der Winkle who is a local trader. The King has a maid/housekeeper, Lotte. She is the only character that speaks with some scripted Dutch influence which helps to make her a very comical character.

Through various twists and turns interspersed with good family comedy and songs, Count Edam Gouda finally comes face to face with D’Arcy, Puss in Boots. Through the magic of the ingenious cat, Count Edam Gouda is no more and merely becomes two individual cheeses! The pantomime ends with the Princess being saved, and Harry, Dame Miller’s eldest son, marrying her. This allows the King and Dame Miller to also start life in wedded bliss… or maybe not!


3m, 2f, 12m/f (plus Chorus & Dancers)

Principals (3m, 2f, 6m/f )
  • Fairy Tulip(m/f)
  • Dame Miller(m)
  • Tom - son of the Dame (m/f)
  • Dick - son of the Dame (m/f)
  • Harry – the principal boy, son of the Dame (m/f)
  • King Leerdammer (m)
  • Count Edam Gouda – the villain (m)
  • D’Arcy - Puss In Boots (m/f)
  • Princess Narcissa – the principal girl (f)
  • Van der Winkel – a local trader (m/f)
  • Charlotte(Lotte) - maid to the King (f)
Support (6m/f)
  • Waitress/Waiter - a walk-on part (m/f)
  • The Mannequin - a very small, non-speaking part (m/f)
  • Reaper - a small speaking part (m/f)
  • Shepherd - a small speaking part (m/f)
  • Backstage Crew x 2 - can be actual crew or cast, very small parts with a few lines (m/f)
Chorus of villagers, courtiers etc

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  • Perusal Script ('Puss In Boots' by Colin Barrow)
    £0.00 Perusal Script ('Puss In Boots' by Colin Barrow)
    In advance of the formal publication, we offer you an advance, pre-publication version, of the script. It is provided in full, as originally received from the playwright, but without having been proof read and with no...
  • Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
    Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
    The rights to perform and record for all the titles in our catalogue are managed by Stagescripts Ltd. You should not assume that a licence to perform will always be granted. Please request a quotation at the earliest...