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The Hard Yards

    by Tony Layton


nologo.jpgDanny is facing the "Hard Yards" of teenage life - a rugby term meaning the time in a match when a concerted, focussed effort is needed in order to achieve a result.

He is bright, a high achiever and appears to be on track for a successful academic career, but has to juggle with the stress of exams, dealing with parents, keeping fit, coming to terms with his own sexuality and getting to know the opposite sex. In addition, his strong admiration for Helen changes his life forever, when she experiences a profound trauma and, in his deep concern for her, Danny abandons all conformity.

The story conjoins Danny's facing of real life with his commitment to the opposing mental demands of a school drama production of Romeo and Juliet and to an inter-school rugby match. He realises that life is not a rehearsal but the real thing, where you have to take control and assume responsibility. It can be dangerous but it is certainly an adventure. In some respects Danny comes to terms with his own maturity through the play and Romeo's experiences.

Two versions are available. Version A contains a number of small scenes from 'Romeo And Juliet' which are played out by Danny, Helen and others as though they were rehearsing for the school play, but in fact they are highlighting the difficulties Danny is facing in his real life. The theatrical device of a lighting change interplays rehearsals for the Shakespeare production with Danny's real life drama. Version B is the same play, but with no Shakespearean verse. Instead, it uses two characters 'Black' and 'White' to represent the internal ("should I" or "shouldn't I") struggle Danny faces when making difficult decisions.

Moral: Life can be a giggle, a light-hearted bowl of cherries, then something happens that makes you realise that this is not a rehearsal and you have to take serious control of your life. It can be a dangerous gamble, but it is certainly an adventure.


40-45 mins approx


  • Danny - 17, the central character
  • Samantha - 17, a friend of Danny's
  • Helen - Danny's ideal girl
  • Eddie - Danny's father, a bigot
  • Maureen - Danny's mother, much put upon
  • Black - an alter ego (Version B only)
  • White - second alter ego (Version B only)
  • Coach - sadistic rugby trainer
  • Jack Evans - one of Danny's peers
  • Miss Roach - matronly head teacher
  • Lucy - girl in disco
  • Britney - 14, precocious
  • Mr Price - drama teacher
  • General - in Danny's dream
  • Doctor - Helen's GP
  • Mrs Lewis - Helen's mother
  • Mr Lewis - Helen's father
  • Tyrone - Helen's brother (Version A only)
  • Ann, Bet, Cal, Dodie, Marie, Fran, Glenda, Hayley & Jill - Helen's peers
  • Abram, Benvolio, Gregory & Sampson - parts played by Danny's peers (Version A only)
  • Rugby players, Supporters, Dancers, Party goers, School assembly

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