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Comedic Drama

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'A Christmas Carol' (Play) by Charles Dickens adapted by James Reynard

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens adapted by James Reynard

(Cast of 5) An adaptation of the famous Christmas tale, designed for small touring company, but could be played by a large cast. The audience are invited to take part if they wish as human sound effects either singly or in groups which adds to the ‘experience’! The production can also be performed using more actors and recorded sound effects without audience involvement or a mixture of both.

Light Comedy Play Script: 'Alphabets & Angels' by Nicolas Ridley

Baggage (His & Hers) by Nicolas Ridley

(1m, 2f) 35 mins
Their last morning together. Or is it? Has the week that Hilary and Simon have spent in Greece been nothing more than a holiday romance or is it something serious? The moment has come for them to bare their souls and unload their emotional baggage. But Simon still has a very significant question which Hilary has been oddly reluctant to answer... 

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Bats' by Phil Mansell

Bats by Phil Mansell

(3m, 3f) 40-45 mins
In a quiet cul-de-sac a couple find their nice, quiet orderly lives disturbed by an infestation of bats. A string of people turn up and are mistaken for the bat exterminator. When he finally does turn up, his work is interrupted by a birthday strippergram, and by the time he gets down to business, it looks like it might be too late…

Comedy Drama Play: 'Double Bubble' by Nicolas Ridley

Double Bubble by Nicolas Ridley

(2f) approx 40 mins
It's been ages since Lois and Gina last met and they've missed each other. Their 'misunderstanding' was very unfortunate, but sex isn't everything. The past is the past and for now there's momentous news to share. Let bygones be bygones. Water under the bridge. Forgive and forget...? Well, maybe.

Drama Play Script: 'Give A Little Love' by Alan Stockdill

Give A Little Love by Alan Stockdill

(4f) 55 mins Prize Winner
When four old school friends meet up again after thirty years at a Bay City Rollers tribute concert it soon becomes apparent that you can take a girl from her teens but you can't take the teenager from the girl. Old tunes and old flames die hard and live again in this tale of memories and music. Laugh, cry and shang-a-lang along with Liz, Karen, Debbie and Bev; and get swept away by this entertaining, touching and revealing drama.

Comedic Drama Play: 'Green' by Les Clarke

Green by Les Clarke

(3m) 45-50 mins Prize Winner
Gritty comedy drama set in a railway station waiting room as two football fans wait for a train, annoyed by their car breaking down. All is well until an introverted stranger turns up and starts painting the walls, at which one fan takes exception and starts baiting the painter. Can his friend calm him down , or will things get out of hand?

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'I'm Not Laughing, I'm Screaming' by Sandy Taylor

I'm Not Laughing, I'm Screaming by Sandy Taylor

(4m, 2f) 40-45 mins
The accidental meeting of two women from different backgrounds leads to self-discovery and hope for them both as their marriages fall apart.

Comedic Drama Play: 'I'm Still The Same Person Inside'' by Les Clarke

I'm Still The Same Person Inside by Les Clarke

(2m, 2f) 40-50 mins
Jenny has had an accident and is confined to a wheelchair. Hopefully, her disability isn’t permanent, and she is determined to enjoy life… and men! With this in mind she contacts Paul on an Internet Dating website and agrees to meet him at her flat. Kay is worried and tries to talk her out of it, but Jenny is determined to get on with her life, and refuses to listen.

Comedy Drama Play Script: 'Last Chance Saloon' by Shari Gledhill

Jam And Dame Judy by Diana Raffle

(2m, 4f) 40-50 mins
Set at a village fair with various competitions. Roberta Springett boasts about her theatrical college experience and encounters with Dame Judy Dench. Villagers suspect Roberta of cheating by stealing an onion from Ted's allotment. Despite her subsequent disqualification for swapping labels, the villagers show compassion and offer to help her improve her skills honestly. The play ends with the villagers celebrating their success and planning future support.

Comedy Drama Play Script: 'Last Chance Saloon' by Shari Gledhill

Last Chance Saloon by Shari Gledhill

(1m, 1f) 40 mins
Karen and Tony meet in a hotel bar. Both of them are looking for something. It seems at first that they are not the solution to each other’s problems. But gradually they start to open up to each other. Just when all seems well, Tony makes a wrong move and Karen becomes angry. They are in fact a married couple making a last ditch attempt to save their marriage. It looks hopeless until Karen reveals the reason for her being so distant. She has found a lump in her breast. Tony promises her they will get through this crisis and they go upstairs together.

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Made For Each Other' by Nicolas Ridley

Made For Each Other by Nicolas Ridley

(Min: 5m, 3f) 40 mins
Marriage is a tricky business. Or can be for a year or two while you find out who it is you’ve married. Sex may sometimes smooth the path. But sex can be a tricky business, too. This play is an ensemble piece for eight (or more) actors and follows the path of two couples who seem to be ‘made for each other’, and another couple for whom the signs look less promising. But not everything works out as expected.

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Max Dix, Zero To Six' by Vincent Eaton

Max Dix, Zero To Six by Vincent Eaton

(2m, 3f) 45 mins
Experience the birth and first six years of Max’s life, and how he and his family deal with his arrival. Max tries to make sense of the world as it unfurls and unfolds, and then, as he gets older, how it unwinds and unravels in front of him. Max’s first few years cause his mother (through her three personas shown on stage) to deal with the problems in her marriage, whilst his impish brother takes delight in needling Max as elder brothers often do.

Comedy Play Script: 'Needle Time' by Derek Webb

Needle Time by Derek Webb

(2m, 1f)
The play is mainly a two-hander between a radio station disc jockey and a young woman wannabe who has just started working at the station. Rob Peters is content to describe himself as an ageing hippy. He is happy with his lot working for a small local radio station, having spent a lifetime spinning discs. It's another day, another show, when the new recruit, Suzie Hughes, turns up in the studio, eager to promote her brother's new record.

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Quirks' by Simon Brett

Quirks by Simon Brett

(1m, 1f) apx 45 mins
Wealthy East-Ender Joey and his much younger wife Bianca live in an expensive villa on the Costa del Sol, surrounded by servants and other staff. They seem to have the perfect life. But as the story unfolds, some unsettling questions arise. Why can't Joey go back to England, where most of his business interests still lie? Why is he so obsessed about security? Why, come to that, does Bianca keep going on about contract killers? And when it comes to the crunch, how far can husband and wife trust each other?

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Running Out Of Time' by Bev Clark

Running Out Of Time by Bev Clark

(3m, 3f) apx 45 mins
James Hargreaves is over-weight, over-worked and under stress. He is heading for a heart attack. His wife Hannah is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Their daughter Amy warns the world is heading for an environmental catastrophe. They are all running out of time. When they find themselves in an old fashioned hotel with a quirky landlady and her son time takes on a new meaning. This light-hearted whimsical play has a mysterious twist in the tale!

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Sat Love' by Simon Brett

Sat Love by Simon Brett

(1m, 1f) apx 35 mins
A businessman ('He') loves his car and his business life, but things aren't too good at home, so He spices up his life whilst on business trips with excursions to extramarital assignations. Whilst driving, his Sat Nav behaves rather strangely, in that not only can it listen and understand his in-car telephone conversations, but its voice ('She') appears to have learnt some decidedly unusual words and phrases in addition to 'Make a U-turn' and ' You have arrived at your destination'. So why is this new Satnav directing him back home? Could it be that the machine has discovered romance?

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Stake-Out' by Simon Brett

Stake-Out by Simon Brett

(1m, 1f) apx 45 mins
A game of cat and mouse, but who's the cat and who's the mouse? In a dusty, empty, office, soon to be retired Detective Sergeant Craig Downs sits amongst the paraphernalia needed for a police stake-out, observing another officer being used as a trap to catch the 'Kilburn Killer.' He's joined by DI Hayley Grainger, and although Craig doesn't remember meeting her, she knows him well - and she's had plastic surgery since their last meeting just after she joined the Police. He's not the Kilburn Killer, but he is an old dinosaur of a policeman - a 1970's throwback - and revenge is going to be sweet for Hayley as she reveals who she is, why she's going to make it look like he's the Kilburn Killer, and calmly explains how he's going to die.


The Night Visitor by Tony Layton

(3m, 2f) 50 mins
It’s the home of a young wealthy business man, Jason Sloane, who, on the death of his father has been given a kick start on a successful career in business. However, by somewhat devious means he managed to have his younger brother, Mark, sectioned, thus giving him full control of his inherited wealth. After suffering ten years trying to prove his sanity, Mark is at last free to, at least, make an unexpected attempt to claim what is rightfully his slice of the inheritance. The question is, was he ever insane and is he sane now?

Comedic Drama: 'The Reluctant Witnesses' by Les Clarke

The Reluctant Witnesses by Les Clarke

(4m, 1f, 1m/f) Multi-Award Winner
Comedy drama set in an interview room at a police station following a terrorist incident. A number of witnesses are thrown together whilst waiting to be interviewed and a more mixed bag of people it would be hard to imagine – a man late for his date, a consultant, a bag lady, a shouty yob, and bizarrely, a clown. Tension is high and tempers are frayed.

Comedic Drama Play: 'Tommo And Me' by Les Clarke

Tommo And Me by Les Clarke

(2m, 1f) Award Winner
Matt has been looking after Tommo since his parents were involved in a serious car crash. Tommo’s father died in the crash and the subsequent shock of losing her husband, trying to cope with Tommo on her own whilst recovering from her own injuries, caused Tommo’s mother to have a breakdown and she is currently receiving help at a psychiatric hospital. Matt has known Tommo all his life and Tommo moved into his flat with him after the accident. Matt cares for him and has devised routines to help Tommo get through the days and nights, but then Social Services become involved!

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Two Purple Gloves' by Michael Park

Two Purple Gloves by Michael Park

(1m, 1f)
Christmas week at Tollerbay shopping centre and peace reigns now the late-night shoppers have left. As midnight approaches, the last thing security guard Connie needs is an old tramp taking up residence on her patch. However, he turns out to have quite a past and they find they have more in common than either of them would have suspected. A warm-hearted look at bridging the generation gap, ideal for the festive season and a popular potential award-winning entry for drama festivals.

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Uke Belong To Me' by Kattreye Scheurer-Smith

Uke Belong To Me by Kattreya Scheurer-Smith

(1m, 1f) apx 45 mins
"If so many animals in the wild can get it right, why can’t we?" Tom, a twenty-something zoologist, innocently bird-watching, stumbles across a dishevelled runaway bride, Kitty, stuck up a tree holding a ukulele. What comes next is a journey through their platonic-ish relationship, including; Skype, ukulele-based serenades and 21st century wit.

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Vegetable' by Simon Brett

Vegetable by Simon Brett

(1m, 2f) apx 45 mins
Alan lies in a hospital bed fed by a drip and seemingly in a Persistent Vegetative State. Becky, an agency nurse, and Carolyn, his estranged wife both have reasons to hate the man who is a serial philanderer - he's cheated on his wife and on his latest-but-one bit-on-the-side. Alan is a research doctor and developed a drug to simulate PVS and when Becky and Carolyn strike up a mutual dislike of Alan, Becky persuades Carolyn that it is this that has been administered to him. Should they administer a lot more and let him die? They both seem like this idea, but maybe a wronged woman's machinations will triumph over the plans so recently concocted?

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Whose Crime Is It Anyway?' by Jenny-Alice Thompson

Whose Crime Is It Anyway? by Jenny-Alice Thompson

(7m, 6f) apx 45 mins, doubling possible
A collection of public domain characters (inc Miss Haversham and Elizabeth Bennett) gather together but they have no idea why they have all been invited. Professor Moriarty's butler, Moran, tells them that his employer has information on each of them which would swiftly result in them all being arrested by the Fictional Investigation Bureau. Moran says that they can help each other by relieving Moriarty of any proof of their guilty secrets before the police arrive to arrest him in thirty minutes. When the lights go off Moriarty is left for dead on the floor, a stake through his back. Everyone blames each other, no one knows who the murderer is and they have less than thirty minutes before Inspector Lestrade arrives in which to identify the murderer, and find the front door key. Who is the murderer? Why has the corpse moved? Why does Moran know so much? And just why does the maid seem to know all the suspects?

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'Young Souls' by Sally Brockway

Young Souls by Sally Brockway

(3m, 3f) apx 45 mins
Three elderly residents in a care home take part in a drugs trial that turns them into 20-year-olds whilst their young care worker Matt, a 17-year-old on work experience, ages before their eyes. As the three pensioners take a trip down memory lane, Matt realises what it is to be in the shoes of his charges and emerges a changed person. He decides to stay on at the care home and finds a way to make life more bearable for the residents.

Comedic Drama Play Script: 'You're In Room Eight' by Les Clarke

You're In Room Eight by Les Clarke

(2m, 2f) apx 45 mins Multi award winning play
Roger and Edna are on their way to a special get-together when they get lost and have to stay in a run-down guest house for the night. It’s not up to their usual standard and the proprietor is not as helpful as one would expect!