
Dame Dollop and her two sons, Jack and Silly Billy, are about to be evicted from their home by the evil Squire Liar for not paying the rent they owe.
Unaware of their misfortune Jack has fallen in love with Jill, Squire Liar’s daughter, who has recently returned to live in the village having been sent away to boarding school for many years following the death of her mother.
Upon learning about their imminent misfortune Dame Dollop reluctantly agrees to sell Daisy, their cow, entrusting Jack to get the best he can for her. Jack bumps into an old lady (Fairy Nuff in disguise) who promises him gold and jewels and the hand of his new love Jill in exchange for slaying an evil Giant who lives high up in the skies.
Jack agrees to trade Daisy for some magic beans much to the disgust of Dame Dollop when he returns home, who throws the beans into the garden, whereupon they instantly grow into a huge beanstalk. Jack then explains to the assembled villagers, along with Squire Liar and Jill that he is going to climb the beanstalk, slay the Giant, and retrieve Attila the hen, that every day lays a golden egg so that they will become the richest people in the land.
But it seems he will not be alone in trying to retrieve Attila, as Squire Liar, accompanied by his two incompetent sidekicks Sergeant Spit and Private Polish is keen to get his hands on the hen. Not to mention Jill, Dame Dollop and Silly Billy who have also followed Jack up the beanstalk. But who will succeed?