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Sleeping Beauty

    by Roger Butler


Pantomime Script: 'Sleeping Beauty' by Roger Butler

Three fairies Huffy, Fluffy and Duffy, planning what to buy for Beauty's 18th birthday, are sitting outside Deli Catessen's little hotel when four sailors, Captain Bill, Jason, Chippy and Knotty arrive. This pleases Deli who has customers at last and the fairies who have 'real men' to take to Beauty's birthday party.

Jason notices that everything in the village is square  and asks Jes, the court Jester, to  explain. He tells him what happened  18 years ago when Beauty was born.

Pantomime Script: 'Sleeping Beauty' by Roger ButlerWe go back in time to find that Grazilda, a wicked fairy, had put a curse on Beauty. If she pricked her finger on a spinning wheel before her 18th birthday she would die! So the Duke orders all spinning wheels to be destroyed. In fact nothing must be made round as it upsets him to be reminded of the curse. The three fairies, who are not powerful enough to reverse Grazilda's curse, are able to ensure that if  Beauty does prick her finger she would not die but sleep for a hundred years. She would then be woken by a kiss from a Prince

Back to the present Grazilda learns that there are sailors in the village. So she leaves an advert  for anyone who can  " make a wheel barrow and earn big pay". Chippy and Knotty go to Grazilda's lair and are tricked  into building her a wheel barrow which in fact is a spinning wheel in disguise!

During Beauty's birthday party villagers have their fortunes told by a gipsy, who is in fact Grazilda. The fairies have their fortunes told and then it is Beauty's turn. Grazilda shows Beauty the spinning wheel!

Can the good fairies together with dame Deli and the sailors thwart her evil plans? Why were Deli and Jes turned into fairies, and will Beauty find her Prince?  All will be revealed in this traditional family panto to be enjoyed by the whole family. 


(7m, 6f)
  •   King
  •   Queen
  •   Beauty
  •   Jes - the Jester
  •   Deli Catessen - the Dame
  •   Captain
  •   Jason
  •   Chippy
  •   Knotty 
  •   Fairy Grazilda - the Villain
  •   Fairies Fluffy, Huffy & Duffy - good fairies
  Chorus of boys and girls

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  • E-Script (Sleeping Beauty by Roger Butler)
    £3.75 E-Script (Sleeping Beauty by Roger Butler)
    The full script provided as a pdf file for A4 size paper. You are licensed to print this once for your personal use. If you want to make multiple copies for use at rehearsals, a Script Copying Licence is required in...
  • Printed Script ('Sleeping Beauty' by Roger Butler)
    £7.99 Printed Script ('Sleeping Beauty' by Roger Butler)
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