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Snow White

    by Peter Mitcheson, June Stevens & Annette Ward


Pantomime: 'Snow White' by Mitcheson, Stevens & Ward

Mirror Mirror, glass of rhyme, what is the funniest pantomime?
Snow White’s the story that you seek. Linger here and take a peek.

A hapless two named Watt and Ware, who first we meet at this May Fair,
Take our dear Snow with raven locks, to put her heart into a box!

She runs and runs deep in the wood until she finds a cottage good.
Eight gnomes are there, each with their merits, tickling us into hysterics!

There should be seven, but from the mist, a strange gnome comes to give a twist …
No no, I can’t see our secrets slipped, what you should do is read the script!


(2m, 2f, 11m/f plus chorus) There is no Dame character in this panto.

  • Snow White - a sweet young girl (f)
  • Prince Edwin (m)
  • Queen Cryptella - beautiful but evil (f)
  • Watt and Ware - comedy duo, both should look the part, Watt is marginally the ring leader, Ware is more gormless and should be completely ‘over the top’ eg bright, colourful and outlandish with a shock of coloured hair sticking out in all directions. (2 x m/f)
  • Chamberlain (m/f)
  • Gnomes - each with their own distinct character, way of walking, behaving and reacting as their names suggest: Bossy, Grouchy, Cheeky, Dizzy, Weepy, Brainy, Mucky (7 x m/f)
  • Eddy - Prince Edwin transformed (could be played by the same or a different actor) (m)
  • Mirror - voice only until the end when (optionally) revealed as the Mirror Character with one line on stage (could be played by a well know person or if preferred the Mirror voice could be doubled and the Mirror Character could be a child dressed as an Imp or Pixie) (m/f)
Chorus: Adult - Villagers including Lucy Luxom, Courtiers (some can double as gnomes) and Junior - Village Children including Lily, Scouts/Guides/Cubs and Brownies

  • Perusal Script ('Snow White' by Mitcheson, Stevens & Ward)
    £0.00 Perusal Script ('Snow White' by Mitcheson, Stevens & Ward)
    In advance of the formal publication, we offer you an advance, pre-publication version, of the script. It is provided in full, as originally received from the playwright, but without having been proof read and with no...
  • Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
    Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
    The rights to perform and record for all the titles in our catalogue are managed by Stagescripts Ltd. You should not assume that a licence to perform will always be granted. Please request a quotation at the earliest...