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Soap Soup

    by Tony Layton


Comedy Play Script: 'Soap Soup' by Tony LaytonA surreal comedy in which Sammy, a frustrated scriptwriter of a popular television soap series, is confronted by his imaginary characters as he is struggling to complete a poor script. They frustrate him even further with their strong opinions on plot lines and the way they have been handled individually by Sammy during the series.

Things take a turn when Kathy, the senior script editor, arrives to devise a plan to improve audience figures. The plan involves the serial murdering of many of the existing cast. Sammy is very protective of his characters, and even alcohol can’t prevent Sammy’s eventual breakdown that ensues.

However, it is all revealed to be a dream, which further annoys Sammy as he hates that dramatic device, seeing it as a cop out.

Eventually, Sammy makes it in Hollywood, surrounded by the trimmings of success, the young wife, the mansion, the two kids, (one of each) the French maid and the gay personal trainer. It’s the good life, but, it’s very short-lived because human nature has a knack of spoiling happy endings.


40 mins approx


(4m, 3f)

  • Sammy - middle-aged, television soap writer
  • Joey - Northern character in Sammy's soap (also plays Chuck)
  • Linda - mature woman (also plays Sandy)
  • Sally - young hooker (also plays French Maid)
  • Kathy - senior script editor (also plays Gloria)
  • Boris - mature, sophisticated (also plays Narrator)
  • Male Nurse - also plays Gay Personal Trainer

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