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    by Robert Sheppard

Drama Play Script: 'Gossip' by Robert Sheppard


A rehearsal for an all-female production of ‘Romeo And Juliet’ is in progress. Danielle, playing Romeo, is becoming increasingly frustrated that Sarah, who is supposed to be playing Juliet, is never at rehearsal. The director, Neil, agrees that someone else can read in temporarily until either Sarah starts coming regularly or someone else can be found. Lydia, the stage manager, who has never acted before, reluctantly agrees to read in. 

To begin with, she lacks confidence and conviction, a situation that is not helped by the immature comments of some of the others, especially Daisy and Mel, nor by the increasing jealousy of Danielle’s friend, Claire. However, after a rehearsal alone with Danielle, Lydia starts to get more and more into the role and her feelings, as Juliet, for Romeo, begin to transfer themselves to Danielle. 

The tension and conflict amongst the company increase and Neil, indecisive and beleaguered, seems unable to cope. Jamie, the technician, and Alex, in charge of costumes, support Lydia’s efforts but the situation comes to a head when it appears that Sarah is returning. In a highly charged final scene, Shakespeare’s play becomes completely interwoven with reality, leading to a dramatic and emotional climax.


50 mins approx


(3m, 9f)

  • Natasha - Capulet
  • Mel - assists with props, plays Capulet’s cousin
  • Danielle - Romeo
  • Ann - props
  • Tara - Tybalt
  • Neil - the Director
  • Claire - Lady Capulet
  • Daisy - Mercutio
  • Jamie - technician
  • Amy - Nurse
  • Alex - in charge of costumes
  • Lydia - Stage Manager

  • Perusal Script (Gossip)
    £0.00 Perusal Script (Gossip)
    In advance of the formal publication, we offer you an advance, pre-publication version, of the script. It is provided in full, as originally received from the playwright, but without having been proof read and with no...
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