
A journey within the confused mind of protagonist, Sara, who is trying to distinguish reality from what is imagined.
She is battling dementia, constantly searching for the keys, to unlock the confusion within her mind; trying to make sense of what is real and unreal. She is also trying to come to terms, with the recent loss of her beloved husband, Will, who is constantly at her side in spirit form, guiding and protecting her, throughout the play.
This powerful drama touches on the madness of humanity and the constant bombardment of news; how Sara’s personal issues are exacerbated by current global events, which are tearing into her mind; forcing her into a world of confusion, loneliness and despair. There are contrasting moments, from the quietly poignant, to the raging cacophonous. There is an outburst of madness from her son, Chris, ranting about how one man, can hold the destination of mankind, within his hands. This moment is intensified by her daughter, Liz, herself troubled with personal and financial problems.
This is a beautiful love story, woven in poetical prose, tinged with pathos and tragedy. The characters are swiftly and truthfully drawn; the script is thoughtfully shaped. The playwright has combined forty years of writing skills, with his own personal experiences, in what he calls: ‘His madness years;’ and has woven them into this memorable and beautiful abstract drama. ‘The Keys To Life’ unlocks a subliminal message of compassion, love and hope. It opens your mind to something bigger, that has a plan. It only needs to be unlocked.
This double award winning play won, ‘The Endeavour Award,’ at the Leverhulme fringe festival, in April 2024, and NDFA’s ‘Derek Jacobi Award,’ for best self-penned play in July 2024.