
Dottie and Rose have been friends for years and they share a home together. Although Dottie isn’t a qualified carer she looks after Rose who has Dementia and other health issues. The home they share has been sold for redevelopment and they’ve been given notice to leave. The council are duty-bound to rehouse them but time is moving on and they’re still waiting.
They enjoy spending time every day looking out into the garden and seeing what birds are there and Dottie keeps a record. Mr. Deacon from the council is coming to visit today and Rose is very upset as she thinks he’s responsible for evicting them. It transpires Mr. Deacon has a place for Rose but can’t find a home that can accommodate both of them and Dottie is adamant they have to be together as she’s promised Rose she won’t leave her.
Dottie sees Rose hiding a letter and when she challenges her about it, Rose reveals other letters she has hidden under the cushion on the sofa. One is from the Council, they are sending the bailiffs in and another letter is from the hospital confirming that Rose’s condition is terminal. Dottie had promised Rose they would always be together and now the situation has become hopeless, so when Dottie makes the tea she takes a handful of tablets herself and then crushes tablets and stirs them into Rose’s tea and then they both sit down and look at the garden and the birds for the last time. Dottie keeps her promise that they will both be together. |
(1m, 2f)
- Dottie - 60s, kindly, patient, understanding
- Rose - 60s, at times lucid, at others confused
- Deacon - 30-40, social worker, does what he can but doesn’t really care enough