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Something Beginning With C

    by Tony Layton


Drama Play Script: 'Something Beginning With C' by Tony LaytonMike Carter is a 'Jack-the-Lad'. Life is a game of 'beer and skittles', and marriage and its associated responsibilities of fatherhood are not on his agenda

However, life has the habit of throwing up the occasional cruel hand, and one of these is dealt unexpectedly to Mike. On a visit to the Doctor, he is told he has cancer, 'the big C', and although he tries to carry on as he has before, he begins to realise that there is more to life than 'pints of beer and pulling birds'.

Through his adversity Mike faces up to his own mortality. A deeper appreciation of life is awakened in him as he seeks out the one person who can make him happy.

Also available in the anthology 'Dreams And Delusions (Vol 2)' together with 'Digs' and 'Movers'


40 mins approx


(8m, 6f)

Mike - a hedonistic young man, a lad from South London
Jeff - Mike's pal (could also double as Doctor and 1st Technician)
Pete - Mike's pal (could also double as Doctor 2, 2nd Technician and Old Patient)
Gloria - Mike's girlfriend
Kylie - Girl in disco (could also double as Nurse 1)
Chelsea - Girl in disco (could also double as Nurse 2 and Solicitor)
Nurse 1
Nurse 2
Doctor 1
Doctor 2
Old Patient
1st Technician
2nd Technician
Parts can be doubled up using a minimum cast of three men and three women

  • Preview E-Script (Something Beginning With C) A4
    £0.00 Preview E-Script (Something Beginning With C) A4
    A free preview script containing a significant part of the full script and provided as a pdf file sized for A4 paper.
  • Printed Script (Something Beginning With C) A5
    £6.99 Printed Script (Something Beginning With C) A5
    A printed script provided as an A5 paperback acting edition. You are licensed to use this for your personal use. If you want to make multiple copies for use at rehearsals, a Script Copying Licence is required in addition...
  • Royalty Quotation Form (1A+)
    Royalty Quotation Form (1A+)
    The rights to perform and record for all the titles in our catalogue are managed by Stagescripts Ltd. You should not assume that a licence to perform will always be granted. Please request a quotation at the earliest...