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               OUR APOLOGIES: Due to a continuing problem at our hosting service we are currently unable to issue or update
any quotations, nor any licences, whether for performances, copying, or recording,
although we have implented a workarund which may allow licensing under certain circumstance.

While this is being resolved you will be still be able to download free preview files and to purchase e-scripts and printed scripts from this website.



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As a rights-holder we are contractually obliged to maintain the highest standards with regard to
copyright and intellectual property law.

  • The rights of the contributing playwrights and composers to be identified as the author(s) of their individual works described in this website have been asserted by them in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
  • This website has, as far as we aware, used only images and text that are either in the public domain, that have been licensed for use by Stagescripts Ltd or any of its operating divisions, or are part of the contractual agreement it has with its playwrights or composers. Please if you believe we are improperly using copyrighted material.

With the possible exception noted above, copyright in the entire content of this website is held
or managed under contract by Stagescripts Ltd.

All rights reserved.

Playwrights With Whom We Have Lost Contact

Over the years we have, despite repeated attempts using e-mails, letters and phone calls, regrettably not been able to maintain contact with a number of our contracted playwrights. We therefore do not know if they are still alive, or whether they have passed away, and, if the latter, their relatives may not realise that under copyright law legal protection against copying or unlicensed performances continues for 70 years after the playwright's death.

Our contracts to manage a client's copyright do not have an end date and require notice to be given to terminate them. Our more modern form of contract explicitly covers this 'lost contact' situation and the consequences of not maintaining contact are clearly stated, but for some of the playwrights contracted using our older form of contract those clauses were not included. We are therefore keen to contact these playwrights or a relative of theirs...

  • John (aka' Jack') Felton (lost contact in 2013)
  • Lindy McNaughton Jordan (lost contact in 2013)
  • Gerry Hinks (lost contact in 2022/23)

Until we hear from them, or from a relative or from an inheritor of their literary estate, under the still valid contracts we have, we will continue to sell scripts and licence productions.

For more information about copyright, please visit

the copyright section of The Guide To Musical Theatre

or the website of the

UK Copyright Service