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               OUR APOLOGIES: Due to a continuing problem at our hosting service we are currently experiencing
difficulties with the issuing or updating of quotations or licences, whether for performances, copying, or recording.
We have implented a workaround which allows us to license etc under most circumstances.

               Please continue to place orders, request quotations, and submit licence fee payments. Our workaround is slow, but it is working!

While this is being resolved you will be still be able to download free preview files and to purchase e-scripts and printed scripts from this website.


Perusal Set on USB ('Gullivers Travels')

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Product Description


We operate a FREE Perusal Service, and for this title we supply a USB stick with pdf/mp3/mp4 files of the perusal material. Customers requesting this MUST be a representative of a production company, school, church or amateur group.

The USB Stick will be sent to you at no charge to assist in the decision-making process. Once delivered to you, the USB Stick is yours to keep. The files on it though are fully protected under the international laws of copyright.
You are licensed to view them and print them for inspection purposes only - they are not to be used for rehearsals or performances


We aim to despatch the perusal set for 'Gullivers Travels' to you within 2-3 days of receipt of your order.


The perusal set consists of perusal material as follows for both versions of this musical...

  • 2 x Libretto pdfs
  • 2 x Vocal Score pdfs
  • 2 x Demo Recording mp3s
  • 2 x Full Production Video mp4s

... together with some pertinent sales information.