Here is where you can pay your retrospective royalties online. It is only to be used if you have a) infringed a writer's copyright by performing without permission AND b) where Stagescripts Ltd has requested you to make a retrospective payment.
Please enter your Quotation Reference Number in the space marked 'Quotation Ref.' above.
Select the title of the musical, play or panto to be performed from one of the drop-down selection boxes.
Make sure that --None-- is showing in all of the other selection boxes.
Enter the amount to be paid in 'Quantity', rounded down to the nearest whole pound, and entered as the pounds amount only (ie no pence, no decimal point). For example, if you need to pay us GBP 153.75, please enter 153 in the 'Quantity' box.
(We have to do it this way because our system won't allow customers to enter a variable price for a product; what you are doing is buying units of royalty at GBP 1.00 each).