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Class Of 77

by David Hines

Two versions available ...
for either 7m, 5f principals
or 5m, 7f principals
Musical Theatre: 'Class Of 77' by David Hines

"We had a great time performing this wonderful show ..."
". .. full of memories from the 70's ..."
"... a blast for the students to perform ..."
Vicki Crawford, Head of Arts, Blue Mountain College

This item is ONLY available from us to customers in UK and Europe.
If you are located anywhere else, please click here.


Musical Theatre: 'Class Of 77' by David HinesClass Of 77 is a comedy/drama musical which takes the audience back to the late 1970’s to meet a class of sixth formers (aka Year 11’s) as they prepare to leave school for university and/or life. Fifteen years later at the school reunion many things have changed, not only for the students but in the world in general as well. The world of 1992 is very different to that which existed in 1977 and through the script and music we see just how different.

The school reunion approaches. It’s the first held since they all left in 1977 and the show opens with Michael and Bruce reminiscing about that final school year (‘Was A Time’). We are transported back to that time to see their friends, share their feelings and suffer their failings; meeting a host of characters including Jenny, Michael’s then girlfriend; Linda, the resident hippy; Adam, Brian and Greg who spend every weekend working on their beloved green Ford Cortina (‘Me And My Cortina’), and Sue, Helen and Judy who think about boys a lot, and spend every Thursday night glued to ‘Top Of The Pops’. Not forgetting Kevin, the computer genius and Sven the Swedish exchange student.

Musical Theatre: 'Class Of 77' by David HinesAs their time at school comes to an end Michael expects Jenny, who is the love of his life, to follow him to London and to share a flat with him as they go to university. Jenny, however, has other ideas (‘Not The One’) and after talking with Linda, a real ‘free spirit’ who is into women’s lib (‘Girls Talk’), she breaks up with Michael and pursues her own path without him. Meanwhile, Linda herself has decided to skip university altogether and travel, something that her boyfriend, Bruce, cannot understand. Bruce and Michael console each other as they try to look to the future (‘Tomorrow’). Kevin, who can foresee a world of technology (‘Brave New World’) has developed something called a ‘personal computer’ but is ridiculed for it, and Sven, despite his tenuous grasp of the English language, can’t really focus on much except for having a good time. At the end-of-year school dance Greg and Sue unexpectedly hit it off (‘A Girl Named Sue’), and the class finally says goodbye to their school life (‘Class Of 77’) and head off into the big wide world.

During the interval, time marches on fifteen years and Act 2 opens with Judy lamenting the passage of time (‘Fifteen Years’) as she waits for the school reunion to start. As the class re-unite we learn that some very different outcomes have occurred for many of the characters. Kevin, of course, is hugely successful, but surprisingly, so is Sven, who has become the Swedish Ambassador (‘We’ve Come A Long Way’). Linda is still a free spirit, whilst Bruce has become the archetypal hardworking husband and father. Some of the girls are divorced already and Adam has had to trade in his Cortina for a Minivan. Michael and Jenny meet for the first time in fifteen years with Michael revealing the hurt and betrayal he has been feeling (‘The Magic In Her Eyes’). By the end of the show though Michael and Jenny get back together (‘Seventeen’) and the whole class comes to understand that they’re all getting older (‘You Can’t Stay Young Forever’) and that the golden years are not those in the past, but are those up ahead (‘Golden Years’).

Fully orchestrated in six parts (expandable to include strings and brass), or with professionally recorded performance backing tracks available, ‘Class Of 77’ is fully equipped to give your actors and audience a fantastic time. The show is ideally suited to an acting age between 15 and 25 and features a lot of comedy, some drama, a love story and a lot of dance routines.


Principals (7m, 5f or 5m, 7f)
  Michael - bit of a romantic, was passionately in love with Jenny, still carries a torch, now a journalist
  Jenny - Michael's long-term girlfriend at school, a nice girl, has now been married and divorced
  Bruce - Michael's best friend at school, now married with two kids, an architect, bright, positive
  Linda - a free-spirited hippy at school, went out with Bruce, now slightly more worldly, but still fun
  Kevin - the archetypal geek at school who never 'fitted-in', now very rich, owns a computer company
  Adam - car-crazy lad at school, the trio's leader, now settled down, married with kids, house, car etc
  Brian - car-crazy lad at school. always tried too hard to be 'one of the blokes', now realises he is gay
  Greg - car-crazy at school, fancied Sue, but was too shy to tell her, eventually married her though
  Sue - boy-crazy at school, secretly fancies Greg
  Helen - boy-crazy at school, a 'good-time' girl, never marries, tries out all the men at the reunion
  Judy - boy-crazy at school, had imperfect life afterwards, divorced, two kids, alone, slightly sad
  Sven - Swedish exchange student with poor English, now Swedish Ambassador with perfect English
in the 5m, 7f version, Kevin and Sven are replaced by ...
  Jodie - a tomboy keen on physical fitness, becomes rich owning a chain of workout gyms for women
  Olga - Swedish exchange student with poor English, now Swedish Ambassador with perfect English
Support (3m, 2f plus chorus)
  Mr Franklin - friendly science teacher liked by his students, patiently waiting to retire, tweed jacket etc
  Leonie - a girl at school
  Fiona - a girl at school
  Chris - a boy at school (backing singer only)
  Mark - a boy at school (backing singer only)
  Chorus of students (1977) and ex-students (1992)


  1) Overture # Orchestra
  2) Was A Time Michael & Chorus (inc Principals)
  3) Girls Talk Jenny & Linda (backing vocals : Judy, Sue & Helen)
  4) Brave New World Kevin & Chorus
  5) Me And My Cortina * Adam, Brian & Greg (backing vocals : Mark, Chris & Bruce)
  6) Tomorrow Bruce & Michael 
  7) Not The One Jenny
  8) A Girl Named Sue Greg & Sue
  9) Class Of 77 Company
~~ Interval ~~  
10) 15 Years Judy
11) We've Come A Long Way Kevin, Sven & Company
12) The Magic In Her Eyes Michael
13) You Can't Stay Young Forever Bruce, Linda & Company
14) Seventeen Michael & Jenny
15) Golden Years Company
* Cortina in the UK version, but 'Torana' in the Australian original

Information for Production Administrators

Here's a list of all the supporting material available and some other information you might need. Pricing for the production materials is supplied automatically with a Perusal Set. Royalty pricing can only be provided as a formal quotation.

Available now (see below) ...
Preview Script/Libretto
You can download straightaway a shortened copy of the script/libretto to read and get a relatively good picture of whether you would like to proceed to the next step. The Preview E-Script is made available to you as a pdf file sized for A4 paper and contains just over half of the script.libretto.
Perusal Set
These are available for customers in European Union countries only to borrow free of charge (but you have to pay the postage to return the set to us). The set contains ...
  • Printed Libretto
  • Printed Piano/Vocal Score
  • Sampler Audio CD
Available after Perusal ...
Libretti/Vocal Scores

Available to purchase in this form ...

  • Rehearsal Master Set on a Data CD (Cast). This contains the script and piano vocal score for your cast and crew provided as A4 pdf files. No problem about possible loss of deposit, as they are yours to print out and mark up as required. The price includes a multiple copying licence allowing you to copy the Data CD itself (enabling you to give or sell copies to your cast for them to make up their own rehearsal books) or to make multiple prints of the pdf's on the Data CD for your production company to organise and provide to your cast or crew. Please Note : Both cast size versions (7m, 5f and 5m, 7f) are provided on the Data CD.

To order this, create an account with us, then go to the 'Ordering for Musicals' page

Please note that we do not sell individual printed copies of libretti, nor do we hire sets of printed rehearsal libretti or scores.

Available after Rights Obtained ...
Backing Tracks
For use in support of your rehearsal pianist, or for use during performances.
These are available for a 6 piece band or an 11 piece band/orchestra as below, for hire to production companies only, who hold a valid, unexpired, licence to perform.
Standard Arrangement
  • MD / Conductor, plus ...
  • Keyboard (Piano)
  • Keyboard (Synth)
  • Electric Guitar
  • Acoustic Guitar
  • Electric Bass Guitar
  • Drums / Percussion
Enhanced Arrangement
All of the above (except Synth), plus
  • Flute
  • Cello
  • Clarinet
  • Alto Sax
  • Violin 1
  • Viola
Royalty Type
Royalties for this title are 'variable fee, post paid', and will be calculated on a percentage of your box office income once your production has finished. See our pricing policy for details. We work on a quotation system for royalties, based on information you supply to us. Complete a printed application form or create account with us, and use the online version.
Video Licence
We have secured the rights to video productions of this title from the Author, and we manage them on his behalf. Once a 'Licence To Perform' has been granted, and then on payment of a fee, we will be able to issue a 'Licence To Record'. There are some strings attached to this, but these are far outweighed by the benefits.
  • Record one or more live performances and mix down to a single video
  • Give or sell copies to your cast and crew
  • Sell copies to your audiences (take advance bookings on the night)

Order your free preview script or perusal material now ...
  • Preview E-Script (Class Of 77) A4
    £0.00 Preview E-Script (Class Of 77) A4
    A free preview script containing a significant part of the full script and provided as a pdf file sized for A4 paper.
  • Perusal Set
    £0.00 Perusal Set
    PLEASE NOTE : We operate a FREE Perusal Service, but our Perusal Sets are ONLY available to customers who are representatives of a production company, school, church, or amateur group. If you qualify, the set will be...
  • Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
    Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
    The rights to perform and record for all the titles in our catalogue are managed by Stagescripts Ltd. You should not assume that a licence to perform will always be granted. Please request a quotation at the earliest...
  • Rehearsal Master Set
    £0.00 Rehearsal Master Set
    Rehearsal Master Sets (RMS) are available to purchase, once your production has been licensed. You will need the 5 digit licence reference number (see above). They are available as a Dropbox download or on a USB Stick. If...
  • Backing Tracks (Performance)
    £0.00 Backing Tracks (Performance)
    Sets of Backing Tracks on: USB Stick with mp3 files, or Dropbox, mp3 file downloads (e-mailed link) to use during performances (or rehearsals). The price will be shown after you select the title required. In order to...