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The White Rose

by Craig Christie and Andrew Paterson

Musical Theatre: 'The White Rose' the story of Sophie Scholl
"How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there
is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually
to a righteous cause ..."

Sophie Scholl, 1943 (immediately prior to her death)

"The name of Germany is dishonoured for all time if German youth
does not finally rise, take revenge and smash its tormentors"
'Fellow Fighters in the Resistance', White Rose Leaflet #6

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If you are located anywhere in continental Australasia, please click here.

This item is also available in a full length play version. Please contact us for details.


Musical Theatre: 'The White Rose' the story of Sophie SchollThe White Rose was a non-violent/intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany, consisting of students from the University of Munich and their philosophy professor. The group became known for an anonymous leaflet campaign, lasting from June 1942 until February 1943, that called for active opposition to Adolf Hitler's regime.

One day in 1942, copies of a leaflet entitled “The White Rose” suddenly appeared at the University of Munich. The leaflet said that the Nazi system had slowly imprisoned the German people, was now destroying them, and that the Nazi regime had turned evil. It was time, the leaflet said, for Germans to rise up and resist the tyranny of their own government. At the bottom, the following request appeared: “Please make as many copies of this leaflet as you can and distribute them”. The leaflet caused a tremendous stir among the student body as it was the first time that internal dissent against the Nazi's had surfaced in Germany.

Musical Theatre: 'The White Rose' the story of Sophie SchollToday, the members of the White Rose are honoured in Germany as amongst its greatest heroes, since they opposed the Third Reich in the face of almost certain death. The six core members of the group were arrested by the Gestapo and they were executed by decapitation in 1943.

This dramatic musical is based on this true story of a group of students who formed an unprecedented resistance movement to Hitler's regime. It traces the story of Sophie Scholl, her brother Hans, and his friends as they despair of the increasingly totalitarian lives being forced onto the German nation.

'The White Rose' is a musical production both intimate and epic in its portrayal of the story and characters involved, and, though drawn from the pages of history, it is as relevant today as it was when it originally unfolded during the dark days of war.


Principals (5m, 4f)
  Sophie Scholl - 22, a university student
  Hans Scholl - 24, a university student
  Christoph Probst - 23, a university student
  Herta Probst - early 20s,the wife of Christoph
  Willi Graf - 24, a university student
  Alexander Schmorell - 25, a university student
  Traute Lafrenz - 23, a university student
  Johann Wittenstein - 20s, a university student
  Gisela Schertling - early 20's, a university student; joins, then betrays them
Support (6m, 5f, 3m/f)
  Else - shares a cell with Sophie
  Hilde - Callisthenics Leader
  Heinrich - a Gestapo officer (fictional)
  Eichart - a Senior Gestapo officer (fictional)
  Professor Huber - 40-60, a professor of philosophy
  Klaus Bath - 20s, A university student, believes in the Nazi party (fictional)
  Students 1, 2 and 3
  Gauleiter Geisler - 30-50, a Governor of the University (fictional)
  Girls 1, 2 and 3
  Jakob Schmidt - 50-60, a university janitor
  Chorus of Students, Soldiers, Girls doing Callisthenics etc


  1) Faith And Beauty Hilde, Male Ensemble &Female Ensemble
  2) Schliess Aug Und Ohr Fur Eine Weil Christoph, Herta, Willi, Hans, Alex, Traute & Sophie
  3) Til There’s Nowhere Else To Hide Herta & Christoph
  4) Ode To Joy Student Ensemble, Hans, Traute & Sophie
  5) Be Careful, Sophie Johann
  6) A Heart In Chains Sophie & Johann
  7) The White Rose Hans
  8) Lose To Win Sophie
  9) No Answers Herta, Sophie, Traute & Female Ensemble
10) Onwards Through The Years Company
~~ Interval ~~  
11) Songs Like Lili Marlene Soldiers (possibly The White Rose boys)
12) Onwards Through The Years (Reprise) Sophie
13) Roll Up, Roll Up! Student Ensemble
14) Loaded Gun Student Ensemble
15) Heroes Willi
16) A Quiet Life Sophie, Johann, Gisela, Traute, Hans, Willi & Alex
17) Til There’s Nowhere Else To Hide (Reprise) Herta & Christoph
18) Walk With Me Company
19) Curtain Calls Company
20) Playout Instrumental


Information for Production Administrators

Here's a list of all the supporting material available and some other information you might need. Pricing for the production materials is supplied automatically with a Perusal Set. Royalty pricing can only be provided as a formal quotation.

Available now (see below) ...
Perusal Set
These are available for customers in European Union countries only to borrow free of charge (but you have to pay the postage to return the set to us). The set contains ...
  • Printed Libretto
  • Printed Piano/Vocal Score
  • Cast Recording Audio CD (from premiere production)
Available after Perusal ...
Libretti/Vocal Scores

Available to purchase in this form ...

  • Rehearsal Master Set on a Data CD (Cast). This contains the script and piano vocal score for your cast and crew provided as A4 pdf files. No problem about possible loss of deposit, as they are yours to print out and mark up as required. The price includes a multiple copying licence allowing you to copy the Data CD itself (enabling you to give or sell copies to your cast for them to make up their own rehearsal books) or to make multiple prints of the pdf's on the Data CD for your production company to organise and provide to your cast or crew.

To order this, create account with us, then go to the 'Ordering for Musicals' page

Please note that we do not sell individual printed copies of libretti, nor do we hire sets of printed rehearsal libretti or scores.

Available after Rights Obtained ...
Backing Tracks
Not available.
These are available for a 4 piece orchestra as below, for hire to production companies only, who hold a valid, unexpired, licence to perform.
  • Flute
  • Cello
  • Keyboard / Piano
  • Drums
  • MD's Full Score
Royalty Type
Royalties for this title are 'variable fee, post paid', and will be calculated on a percentage of your box office income once your production has finished. See our pricing policy for details. We work on a quotation system for royalties, based on information you supply to us. Complete a printed application form or create account with us, and use the online version.
Video Licence
We have secured the rights to video productions of this title from the Authors, and we manage them on their behalf. Once a 'Licence To Perform' has been granted, and then on payment of a fee, we will be able to issue a 'Licence To Record'. There are some strings attached to this, but these are far outweighed by the benefits.
  • Record one or more live performances and mix down to a single video
  • Give or sell copies to your cast and crew
  • Sell copies to your audiences (take advance bookings on the night)

Order your free preview script or perusal material now ...
  • Preview E-Script (The White Rose) A4
    £0.00 Preview E-Script (The White Rose) A4
    A free preview script containing a significant part of the full script and provided as a pdf file sized for A4 paper.
  • Perusal Set
    £0.00 Perusal Set
    PLEASE NOTE : We operate a FREE Perusal Service, but our Perusal Sets are ONLY available to customers who are representatives of a production company, school, church, or amateur group. If you qualify, the set will be...
  • Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
    Royalty Quotation Form (FL)
    The rights to perform and record for all the titles in our catalogue are managed by Stagescripts Ltd. You should not assume that a licence to perform will always be granted. Please request a quotation at the earliest...
  • Rehearsal Master Set
    £0.00 Rehearsal Master Set
    Rehearsal Master Sets (RMS) are available to purchase, once your production has been licensed. You will need the 5 digit licence reference number (see above). They are available as a Dropbox download or on a USB Stick. If...