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The Girl Who Saved Christmas

by Paul Alexander, Penny Lane & Glenn Keiles

Now playing : 'Visualise'  

Musical Theatre: 'The Girl Who Saved Christmas' by Paul Alexander, Penny Lane & Glenn Keiles

 A One Act musical that runs for approx 70 minutes


Holly Ivers, the new girl at Clement Clark Moore Juniors, is having trouble fitting in - even when she joins the cast of the school panto Peter Pan to try and make friends.

But when the real Captain Hook appears and vows that, to rid the world of pantos portraying him as an idiot, he intends to abolish Christmas by destroying Father Christmas himself, Holly is plunged into a crazy musical adventure!

Deputised by an injured Tinkerbell to save Christmas, and given 'Bell's magical fairy dust - which she has no idea how to use - Holly and school nerd Dev conjure up a mystic portal and travel through it to the North Pole to rescue Santa Claus...

...but they arrive to find Hook has already befriended Santa by masquerading as a 'life-coach' and promising to send the stressed-out Claus on a once-in-a-lifetime 'dream holiday' - to New Zealand!

Holly and Dev try to convince Santa and the Elves that what Hook's planning really IS a 'once in a lifetime' holiday – because Santa will never make it back alive! But Santa won’t believe them and, on Hook's advice, he locks up Holly and Dev – allowing Hook to push Santa out to sea all alone in a rowboat which he has convinced Santa is a 'boutique cruise ship'!

Imprisoned in the Dungeon of Defective Toys, Holly must team up with mean girl Lulu and, with the help of some fairydust and a broken smartphone, escape to confront Hook - and save the entire world from the horror of having to celebrate 'Hookmas' next year!

'The Girl Who Saved Christmas' is a hilarious family show with insanely catchy songs, dancing elves, mean girls, magic, a hissable villain and a positive message about coming together and embracing our differences to conquer fear and doubt. Plus: jokes!


Principals (2m, 3f)

  • Holly Ivers - the new girl. Holly's newly-divorced mum has taken her to start a new life in a new school. But it's not easy starting school in the middle of term or making new friends when everyone sees you as a misfit. Holly wishes she was good at something, something that would make her popular
  • Dev Manjrekar - the school's resident misfit. Seems to spend most of the time in the library with his head in a book or at a console, lives for Comicon. Unlike Holly, he's quite happy to self-identify as a weird loner, so long as people leave him alone (which they sometimes don't)
  • Lulu Lawson - most popular girl in class, leader of the mean girls, and self--appointed star of the school panto. Holly's nemesis. not a bad person - she just thinks its clever to win popularity by scoring easy points off others.
  • Miss Berry - the form teacher and director of the yearly panto, her big moment, looks forward to it all year, a demanding taskmistress who wants perfection.
  • Captain Hook - the bad guy; he wants to abolish panto by getting rid of Christmas.

Support (2m, 2f  plus ensemble supplying 2m, 1f, 1m/f cameo parts)

  • Tinkerbell - who Peter Pan has sent to stop Hook.
  • Nova Starr - Lulu's sidekick, a definite Mean Girl.
  • Errol Adams - pupil, cast as Hook in the school panto but not thrilled about it (a reluctant actor).
  • Rafael Mendoza - an excitable pupil.
  • Scarlett Warren - pupil and wannabe panto performer.
  • Pia Perkins - Scarlett's bestie.
  • A Librarian - loves her job. Good at 'shusshhh'-ing (m/f)
  • Dumitra Sienkewicz - Romanian exchange student (m/f)
  • Santa Claus - a man who should need no introduction.
  • Alf the Elf - an elf called Alf. Santa's second-in-command.
  • Elvetta - Alf's second-in-command, his wife.
  • Ant - Reindeer-wrangling elf (m)
  • Airline Ticket Clerk - not really a people person (m/f)

Together with: The School Choir, played by half the kids in the school putting on this show, and Santa's Elf Service, played by the other half.

NOTE: for large schools with lots of actors and singers, the main speaking parts (Holly, Dev, Hook, Lulu) can be double-cast - meaning portrayed by two different actors (obviously in different scenes!) with the costuming making clear that this is the same character both are portraying.


  1) It's Christmas Time  
  2) I Want A Song  
  3) The Boy Who Never Grew Up  
  4) I'm Hook  
  5) Calumney, Slander and Lies  
  6) Abolish Christmas  
  7) Tradition  
  8) Visualise  
  9) Holiday From This Holiday  
10) Throw The Sleigh Away  
11) Teddy  
12) Visualise (Reprise)  
13) Happy Ending  
14) Happy Ending (Reprise)  
15) It's Christmas Time (Finale)  

Check back soon - we're not quite ready to publish, but we'll gladly give you a royalties quotation and get your name down in the queue for licences!

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