In the garden of his house Fabio overhears his wife Nina talking with his best friend, Guido Ferrari, where it is clear that they have been lovers for some time and are far from mourning his death. Based on a novel by Marie Corelli the play portrays the revenge plan of Conte Fabio Romani. The opening scenes are of his return from the family vault, where he was hastily buried after contracting the cholera, rife in Naples during the late 19th Century.
In the following scene he formulates his plan for revenge with the aid of his servant, Valencia, using stolen jewels he found in the vault. He assumes a disguise as the very wealthy Count Olivia from England and proceeds to successfully woe his wife away from Guido. There is delightful interaction with Fabio' old nurse Bela, and his daughter Stella, who both are clearly drawn to the “stranger”.
Purposefully rousing Guido's anger, Fabio suggests a duel, during which he reveals his true identity before shooting his former friend. He then entices Nina to the family vault, where he reveals himself to her, together with his proposed intention of leaving her there. This knowledge turns her mad and Fabio starts to relent. Nina is finally shot by Bela, who had followed Fabio. |
3m, 3f
- Conte Fabio Romani - 37-50, Italian Aristocrat of Naples, assumes a second identity as the Conte Cesare Oliva
- Contessa Nina Romani - 35-50, vivacious and beautiful woman from a socially inferior background
- Stella Romani - 16-20, plain daughter, repressed, quiet and scholarly girl
- Guido Ferrari - 37-50, lifelong friend of Fabio, Nina's lover
- Bela - 60-80, old nurse to both Fabio and Stella
- Valencia - 35-60, aids Fabio (m)