
Snooty Mrs Clegghorn has the lead in the local play, written and directed by the vicar’s wife, mousy Mrs Connors. Aggie is offered the part as maid to Mrs Clegghorn, with just one line to say….“Dinner is served, my Lady.” However, Aggie believes this could be the start of something big and accepts.
Husband Frank and daughter Monica are not very happy with the situation because Aggie says she wants them to help her learn her lines….sorry…line! Frank thinks it’s all a waste of time, especially because it is going to affect his drinking time with his mate, Alf, and Monica because the only play she knows about is playing around with the local lads, so staying in each night is bound to affect her love life.
Aggie rehearses and works hard to perfect her part, only to be told a week before the play that she is no longer wanted because the person cast as the maid originally wants the part back – and it just happens to be Mrs Clegghorn’s sister. Aggie is devastated and even Frank and Monica think it unfair. However, with just a few days to go, something rather dramatic happens which culminates in Aggie having rather more than just one line to learn, which means all other social appointments are put on hold to help Aggie learn her lines! |