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Nearly Pulls It Off

    by Ron Nicol


Comedy Play Script: 'Nearly Pulls It Off' by Ron Nicol

A decrepit Narrator introduces the story and appears at various times to link the scenes.

Henrietta decides that her husband Henry should have another adventure. As it’s the anniversary of Mortimer’s Uncle Ponsonby’s ill-fated expedition to discover the lost Temple of Howjahdoodah, they decide to make their own search for the Temple. When they set off, Henrietta and Aurora decide to disguise themselves and follow Henry to make sure he doesn’t get up to any mischief.

Henry and Mortimer go down to the harbour where they encounter Captain Codfish and Barnacle the Mate, who had taken them on a previous ill-fated journey. The voyage is brief. On arrival in the Dark Continent, Henry abandons Codfish, who immediately decides to become a pirate. In large cardboard boxes representing pirate ships, they attack Henrietta and Aurora, who drive them off with the assistance of Kitty the tiger.

Henry and Mortimer are travelling onward, but when Mortimer suffers from carrying both their rucksacks, Henry abandons him. Henrietta and Aurora discover what they think is Mortimer’s dead body. Henrietta is all for leaving him, but Kitty manages to revive him, to Aurora’s delight. Henry arrives with a sign for the Lost Temple of Howjahdoodah, but it turns out to belong to a society for old buildings and not the lost temple at all.


35-40 mins approx


(3m, 3f, 2m/f)

  • The Narrator (m/f)
  • Sir Henry Nearly - the intrepid adventurer (m)
  • Mortimer Leeveme - his incompetent associate with the incredibly annoying braying laugh (m)
  • Lady Henrietta - Sir Henry’s indomitable wife (f)
  • Aurora - Henry’s daughter and Mortimer’s sweetly silly wife (f)
  • Tiger - thinks it’s a rug (m/f)
  • Cap’n Codfish - an old sea-dog and prospective pirate (m)
  • Barnacle - the female mate, navigator, cook, chief bottle-washer and sea-cat (f)
  • Voice Off

  • Perusal Script (Nearly Pulls It Off)
    £0.00 Perusal Script (Nearly Pulls It Off)
    In advance of the formal publication, we offer you an advance, pre-publication version, of the script. It is provided in full, as originally received from the playwright, but without having been proof read and with no...
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