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Three's A Crowd

    by Ron Nicol


Comedy Play Script: 'Three's A Crowd' by Ron Nicol

Tim has brought Tania to the pub intending to propose to her but thinking about how to approach the subject affects his concentration. Tania orders drinks for both of them, and decides to humiliate over-friendly waitress Tamara by ordering a Moscow Mule, with which Tamara isn’t familiar. Tim’s further attempts at proposing are frustrated by Tania’s best friend Tilly, who keeps texting to keep Tania abreast of her latest escapades. Despite Tim’s best efforts, Tania is more interested in replying than in listening to him.

Tamara takes pity on Tim, and strikes up a conversation, to Tania’s annoyance. When Tilly texts again, Tania leaves Tim alone, and Tamara tells Tim about her girlhood fantasies of being an avenging angel for people in trouble. On her return, Tania warns Tamara to leave them alone.

While Tania is texting yet again Tim sings “Tomorrow” from the musical “Annie”. Tania accuses him of singing “Tamara” rather than “Tomorrow” and Tim walks off. Tamara returns and purposely spills drink on Tania’s sleeve. Tania leaves to dry her dress. Tim returns, Tamara chats about customer behaviour and is again warned off by Tania when she returns.

Then Tilly arrives, and she and Tania go aside to chat. Tamara reveals that she’s frequently seen the two women picking up men from the bar. Tilly leaves. Tania again confronts Tamara about her interest in Tim. Tamara apologises, explaining that she’s pregnant with twins, and offering Tania one when they’re born.

When Tilly phones Tania again, Tim explodes, grabbing the phone and telling Tilly that he’s ditching Tania. Tania looks for sympathy from Tilly and storms off when she doesn’t get what she wants.

Left alone, Tamara suggests Tim should carry out his proposal plans – which he does by proposing to Tamara.


35-40 mins approx


(1m, 3f)

  • Tim
  • Tania
  • Tamara
  • Tilly

  • Perusal Script (Three's A Crowd)
    £0.00 Perusal Script (Three's A Crowd)
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