The play deals with the issue of sanctuary - a place of safety. It does this bey creating a situation based partly on face and partly on fiction. The plot is simply that a man is about to be deported. He has exhausted all the possible legal options to remain in the country and when these fail he seeks refuge in his local church claiming sanctuary.
The play considers the legal aspects of this both historically, and in terms of today. It addresses the relationship between civil and church law. It looks at how individuals, and the community, can provide support or condemnation perhaps coloured by their own experiences and media hype. The play also touches on our own private and public thoughts which can be influenced by the situations we find ourselves in and or the people we find ourselves with.
Requires a minimum of 8 actors, although the ages are not too important with the exception of a 12 year old child. Doubling is suggested to keep cast small as is the need for numerous locations. This play has been performed many times at Festivals and in local church and parish settings. |