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Watching The Clock

    by David Challenger


Drama Play Script: 'Watching The Clock' by David Challenger

Beryl faces the biggest decision of her life. Does she sit and watch her husband Charlie, die from his incurable cancer or is she brave enough to help him out of his living hell and face the consequences. She knows that Euthanasia is illegal.

Lacking the courage to carry out what she feels is the right thing to do; she turns to her friend Doreen, who she chats to every week at the Doctor’s where she is prescribed with tranquillisers. Beryl confides her fears and they agree to a pact after Doreen confides that she is expecting to be told by the doctor that she has breast cancer. They agree that in return for Doreen giving Charlie a fatal overdose of morphine, that when the pain becomes unbearable for her, Beryl will return the favour.

After Charlie’s death Beryl is arrested and cross examined by detectives Ryan and Lee who although they have no proof apart from circumstantial evidence, are convinced that Beryl murdered her husband. During an intense and harrowing interview she will admit that Charlie wasn’t the perfect husband but refuse to admit to murder looking to Doreen to confess to the murder of Charlie. Doreen has been told that she is in remission from her cancer and breaks their pact leaving Beryl to face the full consequences of the law.

After serving her prison sentence Beryl will reveal that fuelled with tranquillisers and alcohol she did kill her husband after all. Whilst Beryl was in prison, Doreen has died so she will never know why Doreen didn’t carry out her part of the agreement.


50 mins approx


(1m, 4f)

  • Doreen
  • Beryl
  • Dennis
  • Jane
  • Angela

  • Perusal Script (Watching The Clock)
    £0.00 Perusal Script (Watching The Clock)
    In advance of the formal publication, we offer you an advance, pre-publication version, of the script. It is provided in full, as originally received from the playwright, but without having been proof read and with no...
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    Royalty Quotation Form (1A+)
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