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Roy Brown: Bard Of Margate by Derek Webb(2m, 2f) 60 or 50 min versions availableRoy’s back with his own inimitable take on Shakespeare. Roy decides to help out his mate Kev by producing Macbeth for Kev’s newly launched pub theatre: at the Shakespeare’s Head in Margate. But this is no ordinary Macbeth. According to Roy, his version is not only better than the original, but he’s cut out ‘all the boring stuff’ and made it a lot sharper and much, much shorter, and with a lot more jokes. Characteristically, he describes his latest play in one word: Awesome. |
Roy Brown: Bringing Back The Bluestones by Derek Webb(3m, 2f) 45 mins approxIf Scotland can get back the Stone of Destiny and Greece wants the Elgin marbles returned, why shouldn’t Wales reclaim the Stonehenge bluestones? This is a comedy about the nature of bandwagons and our attitude to heritage, and how quickly a nation's imagination can be captured by what is in essence a ridiculous idea. |
Roy Brown: Untitled by Derek Webb(2m, 2f) 60 or 50 min versions available |
Roy Brown And The Red Baron by Derek Webb(2m, 2f) 50 minsRoy Brown is a man on a mission: to make as much money as possible with the minimum effort. So, when his friend, Jane, enthuses him to research his family history, he discovers something of mind-boggling importance (to him, at least). It turns out that the WW1 flying ace who shot down the Red Baron was none other than Captain Roy Brown! And who else could this be but Roy's great, great uncle? Armed with this information Roy sees a future of fame and fortune stretching ahead of him... maybe. |