OUR APOLOGIES: Due to a continuing problem at our hosting service we are currently experiencing difficulties with the issuing or updating of quotations or licences, whether for performances, copying, or recording. We have implented a workaround which allows us to license etc under most circumstances.
Please continue to place orders, request quotations, and submit licence fee payments. Our workaround is slow, but it is working!
While this is being resolved you will be still be able to download free preview files and to purchase e-scripts and printed scripts from this website.
A set of Orchestrations (aka Band Parts) for your MD and orchestra, or pit band provided as A4 size pdf files on a USB Stick (or by Dropbox link). The 6 parts provided are:-
Keys 1
Keys 2
Keys 3
Percussion 1
Percussion 2
Electric Bass Guitar
... together with an MD/Conductor's version of the Full Score.
You are licensed to print a just sufficient quantity of scores (and replacement pages if required) to support performances of the production licensed to you.
In order to purchase this item, you must be in possession of an unexpired Licence To Perform from Stagescripts Ltd.
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