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by Gilbert and Sullivan. Adapted by Essgee Entertainments Pty
""An absolute hoot from beginning to end. It is pantomime, it is burlesque, it is camp, and above all, it's a tonic"
D A Cole on Amazon UK
Please Note : This musical is only available from us to customers in UK and Europe. If you are outside this area, please go to David Spicer Productions
Also : For contractual reasons we do not sell the DVD of the 1994 Australian Production which is screened regularly on the UK Sky Arts TV channel. These can be obtained easily from Essgee Entertainment
To many people the story told in 'The Pirates Of Penzance' really needs no long-winded explanation (but if you need the synopsis please click here). 'Pirates' is one of the best G&S operettas and is performed thousands of times a year in the original version and, that being out of copyright, in versions modified individually by the group performing it.
There are also two commercial versions which are copyrighted - the 'Broadway' version made famous by producer Joseph Papp in the 1980's (and which formed the basis of the film released around that time featuring Kevin Kline), and this one, the high-energy Australian version.
Gilbert and Sullivan wrote the most popular operettas in the history of English theatre. They are probably even more famous than Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and certainly as English as bacon and eggs, or roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Indeed, their fame is so great, it rests as securely on their initials as on their names. To anyone who loves musical theatre, 'G&S' means old-fashioned melody, irreverence, wit and fun.
But now, Essgee Entertainment has thoroughly updated three of these Victorian operetta (HMS Pinafore, The Mikado and The Pirates Of Penzance) allowing today's theatregoer a fresh look at these classics. Almost all the original songs and tunes are included though and despite the 'pop feel' of many of the chorus numbers the most beautiful solos are untouched. The end product is true to the spirit of Gilbert and Sullivan, but much more accessible for today’s audiences.
This is pure musical theatre with some pantomime elements ... ... it is NOT an operetta for the G&S purist!
Simon Gallaher's Essgee Entertainment has brought Gilbert and Sullivan into the twenty-first century through modern orchestrations, tighter funnier scripts, a fabulous 'megamix' finale, and the unique funky female chorus in three part harmony.
Principals (5m, 5f)
The Pirate King -
Samuel - his Lieutenant
Frederic -
Ruth - a Pirate Maid
Major-General Stanley -
Mabel - one of the Major-General's Daughters
Edith, Kate, Isabel - three more of the Major-General's Daughters
The Sergeant -
Chorus of : Pirates (male); Policemen (or Policewomen), and (if required) more daughters/nannies/nurses of the Major-General
1) Gilbert & Sullivan Opening
2) Pour, O Pour the Pirate Sherry
Pirate King, Samuel, Frederic & Pirates
3) When Frederic Was a Little Lad
4) Oh, Better Far to Live and Die
Pirate King & Pirates
5) Oh, False One, You have Deceived Me!
Ruth & Frederic
6) Climbing Over Rocky Mountain
The Daughters
7) Stop, Ladies, Pray!
Frederic & Daughters
8) Oh, Is there Not One Maiden Breast
Frederic & Daughters
9) Poor Wandering One
Mabel & Daughters
10) What Ought We to Do?
The Daughters
11) How Beautifully Blue the Sky
Mabel, Frederic & Daughters
12) Stay, We Must Not Lose Our Senses
Frederic, Daughters & Pirates
13) Hold, Monsters!
Mabel, Samuel, Major-General, Daughters & Pirates
14) A Modern Major-General *
Pirate King, Major-General & Ensemble
15) Oh, Men of Dark and Dismal Fate
~~ Interval ~~
16) Oh, Dry the Glistening Tear
Mabel & Daughters
17) Then Frederic
Major-General & Frederic
18) When the Foeman Bares his Steel
Sergeant, Mabel, Police & Daughters
19) Now for the Pirates' Lair!
Frederic, Pirate King & Ruth
20) When You had Left our Pirate Fold
Ruth, Frederic & Pirate King
21) Duty, Duty *#
Frederic, Ruth & Pirate King
22) Away, Away! My Heart's on Fire
Ruth, Pirate King & Frederic
23) All is Prepared
Mabel & Frederic
24) Stay, Frederic, Stay!
Mabel & Frederic
25) No, I Am Brave
Mabel, Sergeant & Police
26) When a Felon's Not Engaged in his Employment
Sergeant & Police
27) A Rollicking Band of Pirates We
Pirates, Sergeant & Police
28) With Cat-Like Tread
Pirates, Police & Samuel
29) Hush, Hush ! Not a Word
Frederic, Pirates, Police & Major-General
30) Sighing Softly to the River
Major-General & Ensemble
31) Megamix Finale
* additional lyrics by Melvyn Morrow # 'Duty, Duty' adapted from 'You Understand. I Think I Do' from Ruddigore
Information for Production Administrators
Here's a list of all the supporting material available and some other information you might need. Pricing for the production materials is supplied automatically with a Perusal Set. Royalty pricing can only be provided as a formal quotation.
This contains the script and piano vocal score for your cast and crew provided as A4 pdf files. We also provide: i) an expanded version of the script for your Director giving all the additional stage directions needed to recreate the stage 'business' used in the original professional production; and ii) a free copy of the DVD of the original Australian production to use as an aid in preparing and rehearsing your production.
No problem about possible loss of deposit, as the scripts and vocal scores are yours to print out and mark up as required. The price includes a multiple copying licence allowing you to make multiple prints of the pdf's on the Data CD for your production company to organise and provide to your cast or crew. Alternatively you can give (or sell) the cast files to your cast and crew for them to print, bind and use.
Please note that we do not sell individual printed copies of libretti, nor do we hire sets of printed rehearsal libretti or vocal scores.
These are available in printed A4 format as below for hire to production companies only, who hold a valid, unexpired, licence to perform.
Keyboard 1
Keyboard 2 (Click here for Keyboard voicing details)
Keyboard 3
Percussion 1 (Drum Kit)
Percussion 2 (Timps and Glock, Xylo etc. Click here for details)
Electric Bass Guitar
MD's Full Score
The MD's Full Score and the Instrument Parts are available separately.
Royalty Type
Royalties for this title are 'variable fee, post paid', and will be calculated on a percentage of your box office income once your production has finished. See our pricing policy for details. We work on a quotation system for royalties, based on information you supply to us. Complete a printed application form or, create account with us, and use the online version.
Video Licence
We have secured the rights to video productions of this title from Essgee Entertainments Pty, and we manage them on their behalf. Once a 'Licence To Perform' has been granted, and then on payment of a fee, we will be able to issue a 'Licence To Record'. There are some strings attached to this, but these are far outweighed by the benefits.
Record one or more live performances and mix down to a single video
Give or sell copies to your cast and crew
Sell copies to your audiences (take advance bookings on the night)
Please Note : This musical is only available from us to customers in UK and Europe. If you are outside this area, please go to David Spicer Productions
Also : For contractual reasons we do not sell the DVD of the 1994 Australian Production which is screened regularly on the UK Sky Arts TV channel. These can be obtained easily from Essgee Entertainment
Order your perusal material now ...
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