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A Visit To Eastern Europe

    by John Waterhouse


Comedy Play Script: 'A Visit To Eastern Europe' by John Waterhouse

Frank, a salesman from a Northern engineering company is on his first overseas trip to a small former Soviet Block state where a big machined-parts order is being aggressively fought over. He is very ignorant of foreign culture and bullish about securing the order until he meets Marie-Anne, a young French woman from a competing company who is equally determined to win the order.

Two airline stewardesses, Leni from Germany and Karen from England, arrive at the hotel and the four begin to talk about cultural differences in the lobby bar area. Leni, flying with posh Aeromunchen is disparaging about Budget Air who Karen is proud to serve, and national rivalries amongst the four West Europeans soon come to the fore but these are put into the shade when a military coup suddenly forces everyone to adapt to changing circumstances, and national and cultural differences take on a deeper significance.

After the hotel is quickly placed under martial law by Olga, an officious commissar with the would-be revolutionaries, everyone finds themselves forced into doing jobs that are outside their normal work experience. Within the hotel staff, the hierarchy of the haughty Jindra over the waiter Joseph and the receptionist Irina, is turned on its head whilst Frank finds himself taking surprisingly well to cookery… but the biggest shock is reserved for Marie Anne and Karen who are both given scanty outfits and ordered to dance for the entertainment of the occupying soldiers.

Olga has overestimated her control of events though as she finds herself unexpectedly pulled on stage as part of the entertainment and everyone, except for Joseph and Irina (who share a stoic cynicism about life in general), goes on a journey of self-discovery with hilarious results.


(2m, 6f)

  • Frank Hodgekiss - 30s, businessman from England
  • Marie-Anne Duvet - early 30s, businesswoman from France
  • Karen - late 20s, English airline stewardess
  • Leni - 30s, German airline stewardess
  • Irina - 20s, receptionist
  • Joseph - 20s, bell boy
  • Jindra - 30s, hotel manager (f)
  • Olga - 30s-40s, revolutionary soldier

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