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Baroque 'n' Roll

    by Derek Webb


Comedy Play Script: 'Baroque 'n Roll' by Derek Webb

A comedy romp through the larger-than-life lives and glorious music of three of the most celebrated composers of all time:  Handel, Bach and Scarlatti, all born the same year, 1685, and who grew to become undisputed giants of baroque music.

Throughout the play we trace the lives and development of the three composers, played by the three leads with all other parts, by and large comedy turns – played by a versatile mature women actor who is everything from an Irish waitress to a fortune teller, a scientist to a nurse, music critic to stage manager!

Much of the music will be very familiar to audiences even if they couldn’t name the composers.  The play puts the lives of these giants of Baroque music into context in a very funny and wildly entertainingly way.

The play opens with Handel's funeral. We are listening to a Bach Solo Organ.  The tone is quiet and sombre when suddenly the coffin lid flies off and Handel stands up declaring "Bach, bah!  Bach knew nothing! This is music!" and the music changes to the Hallelujah Chorus played very loud with swirling rock concert lights. That sets the tone for the play: irreverent, fun, with glorious music throughout. 


(3m, 1f)

  • Georg Friedrich Händel - 30s to 70s, rather portly, perhaps getting more portly as the play progresses, never married and while there is no evidence that Handel was gay he could be played ever so slightly camp, full of himself, hardly a shrinking violet
  • Johann Sebastian Bach 30s to 60s, serious compared to Handel in temperament
  • Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti - 30s to 70s
  • The following parts are all played by the same woman actor - nurse, Italian waitress, music critic, housekeeper, fortune teller, woman, cockney waitress, Spanish woman, stage manager, art critic, Mrs Delaney, Irish waitress, historian, German waitress, nun, scientist

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