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Jail Birds

    by Colin Barrow

Comedy Play Script: 'Jail Birds' by Colin Barrow

The action of the play takes place in the communal area of a prison. The female inmates are all of senior age and have all committed crimes to be imprisoned and cared for at the expense of the taxpayer, rather than paying high residential home fees.

Now imprisoned, they’re still law breaking by scams, forgeries and producing illegal substances in the prison grounds. The prison staff, a younger section of cast, are kept on their toes with the luxury style of living the inmates all wish to receive.

Although this play is a farcical comedy, the moves and action is suitable for a more senior cast. This comedy play is very tongue-in-cheek and is a farcical send up of the prison system. All of which gives great characters and rib tickling amusement to the audience.

The final minutes of the play deliver unseen surprises for the final curtain.


(3m, 7f, 1m/f)

The prisoners should all be portrayed as retired people, this may need some actors to age themselves up. The remaining cast can be of any suitable working age

  • Emma - prisoner, an artist (f)
  • Jane - prisoner, money launderer, computer addict (f)
  • Mary - prisoner, disabled, never speaks (f)
  • Lewis - prisoner, a burglar (m)
  • Officer Parker - prison officer (m)
  • Sandra - prisoner, scientist, illegal distiller (f)
  • Sonia - prisoner, horticulturist (f)
  • Jenny - prisoner, ran an illegal brothel (f)
  • Angela - prisoner, wheelchair bound, seamstress (f)
  • Governor - prison Governor (m)
  • Nurse Dawson - prison Nurse (m/f)

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