
Dentist Roger and long-term, long-suffering girlfriend Pamela have agreed to take a breather from one another. However serial philanderer Roger, determined to make the most of his opportunity, has invited his receptionist Sarah round to his flat for a cosy night in with nibbles.
As luck would have it Roger's student son Adrian turns up from Amsterdam with some very dubious 'stuff' for his mates, somewhat cramping Roger's style as well as arousing the suspicions of Crispin, a pretty inept, though enthusiastic and doggedly persistent bobby-on-the-beat on a one-man anti-drugs crusade.
When Pamela turns up out of the blue Roger's situation becomes even more desperate and he frantically tries to cover up his own indiscretions while at the same time trying to protect his errant offspring from the long arm of the law.
In desperation Roger is forced to enlist the help of his less than scrupulous neighbour Sid to dig him out of an ever-deepening hole but: 'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!'.
Roger may well consider himself to be a free man with free will, whose destiny is in his own hands but the complications just keep piling up! Dropped trousers...French maids...night nurses...stoned bobbies! In the end Sid seems to be doing just fine, whereas poor Roger has lost not only Pamela and Sarah, but all credibility! At which point his fortunes suddenly change...for the worse!
This breathless comedy has twists and turns in abundance and is a true farce in the best British tradition. |