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Where There's A Will (Simonelli)

    by Joe Simonelli


Comedy Play Script: 'Where There's A Will' by Joe SimonelliStaten Island playwright Gordon Coldridge is struggling to complete his latest play while in the midst of breaking up with his ‘muse’ girlfriend of three years, Cassandra. Enter into his home his pushy manager Al to try to spur him on in order to not have to return an advance they have been given by the play producer. Since they are up against a deadline, Al suggests that since he can’t seem to finish the play without reconciling with his muse, he visits her to try to patch things up. Gordon, who hasn’t had a good night’s sleep, agrees.

As Al exits, Gordon momentarily falls asleep on the couch as lightning flashes and a thunder clap is heard amid knocking at the door. Gordon answers the door to find William Shakespeare, in full Elizabethan garb, standing at his doorstep. At first thinking him to be an intrusive actor there for an upcoming audition, he agrees to hear him out if only for the effort of his dressing for a part.

By the 'actor' convincing Gordon that he actually is the Bard through a plausible story of time travel and by being tested with his own quotes, Will decides to help him complete his play and win back the fair Cassandra, and they both enjoy some wine. Al returns to the scene to be confronted by Will who has a disdain for lawyers, agents, and managers. As he draws his sword and threatens the hapless manager, the curtain comes down on Act One. 

Act Two opens with the three of them brainstorming to find a way to win back Cassandra! It is decided that Will himself, will personally deliver a love poem to her that Gordon, with a little help from the bard, has written. Will returns with Cassandra, after which Gordon and his muse exchange insights and decide to give things another try as they arrange a date for the next night. She exits along with Will and Al (who the bard has signed on with to represent him, since it seems he cannot get back to his own time). Gordon is left alone on stage to finally be able to get some sleep.

As in Act One a few beats pass as lightning and thunder are again seen and heard and there is a knock at the door. Gordon answers to find Al and Cassandra standing there, apparently for the first time since his first nap. They convince Gordon that he had been dreaming about Shakespeare’s visit.

Or was he, as evidenced by a missing copy of The Canterbury Tale, a note slipped under Cassandra’s door that Al did not give her, and a goat outside Gordon’s house munching on his Hydrangea plant.


110 mins approx


(3m, 1f)

  • Gordon - 40's, a playwright
  • Will - 50-55, another playwright
  • Al - 60+, Gordon's agent
  • Cassandra - 35-45, Gordon's girlfriend

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