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               OUR APOLOGIES: Due to a continuing problem at our hosting service we are currently experiencing
difficulties with the issuing or updating of quotations or licences, whether for performances, copying, or recording.
We have implented a workaround which allows us to license etc under most circumstances.

               Please continue to place orders, request quotations, and submit licence fee payments. Our workaround is slow, but it is working!

While this is being resolved you will be still be able to download free preview files and to purchase e-scripts and printed scripts from this website.


Play Reading Set

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Maximum Purchase:
1 unit(s)
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Product Description

For UK customers only, a set of printed scripts to borrow for 4-6 weeks to use at a play reading. 

The set will be lent to you at no charge (other than the return postage costs) to assist in the decision-making process, and consists of one script per named character, plus a few additional copies. 

All the material remains our property whilst in your possession, and you are requested to return it by the date specified, or contact us and request an extension, as other customers may be waiting patiently to borrow the set that you have.

In the event that you decide to produce the play, you can buy the play reading set of scripts at 60% of the price of a set of new printed scripts.

Please select the title of the play from the drop-down list above, tell us the latest delivery date you need the script set to arrive in time for your play reading, giving us at least two weeks notice, and then checkout as directed. 

If you decide to keep the set of scripts for rehearsal purposes, please either complete the back of the paper form enclosed with the scripts and return it to us, or, come back to this web page and click/press here to complete an online version of the paper form. We will then send you an invoice for payment.